Prowess Pole Fitness is proud to offer:

- The most affordable Pole Fitness classes in the valley.
- Top of the line equipment: 10 X-poles (15feet) that can be set to spin or static. We also 3 rig points for aerial equipment (15 ft. clear height)
- Quality products for purchase: Dry Hands, Dew Point, and Prowess Merch Check out our shop
- High quality and one-of-kind instruction with instructors with over 15 years experience.
- A safe and fun environment
- Complete pole fitness including spins, tricks, transitions, safety, and proper technique
- Classes for students of ALL LEVELS including newbies, beginner, intermediate, and advanced.
- Individualized progression: You progress at your own pace! We build and tone muscle, and work with you to define your own true strength and confidence.
- Fitness interpreted by you: You’ll have the tools and freedom to express yourself however you are most comfortable. There is no nudity, stripping, or mandatory sensual dancing.
- Results: In our safe, experienced, and supportive environment, you’ll build the strength and confidence you need to accomplish vertical feats of gymnastics you never thought possible of yourself! At Prowess Pole Fitness, you will never hear the word CAN’T. We believe every BODY is capable of doing ANYTHING.