How to Book
To book a single class
Visit our Booking Page then select the class you wish to attend and click the book button next to it. You can check out with Square or PayPal with any major credit card. To purchase a package, click the “Prepaid” button in the top corner of the booking screen
Class Price List
*Open Pole $10
*Single 55 minute class $25
*Single 85 minute class $35
Packages for Beginners
Unlimited Beginners Package- $130 one month unlimited includes:
- Intro to Pole
- Climb & Spin
- Flooreo
- Intro to Lyra
- Intro to Lollipop
- Bendy Bish
- Twerkshop
- Chair-ography
- Pilatease
- Sashay & Slay
- Heels & Glo
We add new classes to this list all the time
Students that purchase this package can take these classes as many times as they are listed on the schedule for 1 month. When students are ready to progress to Pole 2, the test out is climbing to the top of our poles at least once, this skill is taught in our Climb & Spin class. Students are encouraged to attend Intro to Pole and Climb & Spin plus all our other fun beginner classes until they are ready to test out.
Valid for 1 month, no autopay required.
Packages for Advanced Students (Pole 2 and higher)
4 Class Package- $120 (expires in 5 weeks)
8 Class Package- $224 (expires in 3 months)
12 Class Package- $300 (expires in 6 months)
Unlimited Everything Package (per month)- $190 one month unlimited includes every class on the schedule
Unlimited Everything Package (3 months)– $500 3 months unlimited includes every class on the schedule
We also offer packages for students that participate via Zoom! Check out the class schedule for current offerings.